Designed a comprehensive multi-portfolio tracking system encompassing cryptocurrency, stocks, and weather information.
Table Buddy is an app that caters to a complete, contactless dining experience adding features that would uniquely position the app in the market
Recaff's innovative online coffee buying system was meticulously designed to offer a seamless solution for students seeking quick coffee breaks between classes.
UX redesign journey of Clubify, highlighting wireframing, UX design, and style sheet enhancements for a more engaging and personalized experience.
A dynamic tool aimed at simplifying data tracking within the hospitality industry.
A collection of noteworthy UI/UX projects I have worked on over the years.
Game UI
Designing a TCG game
Chroma: Bloom and Blight is a TCG (Trading Card Game), and the client wanted us to design the game, its features, as well as design the Kickstarter campaign.
packages design, marketing
Developing branding and marketing strategy for a new product line
Billy’s Farm Fresh wanted a complete makeover for their cream cheese, in terms of branding and packaging.